I have so much to share with y’all.
Meet my 18 month old niece Liza.
Last week she and my sister came down for a visit – way overdue!!
My niece is just so intelligent.
The girl knows good food; she loved her some salmon ceviche. Do you have any idea how proud that made me???
She also like my stuffed pretzels…
Look at those lips!
A slice of lime – yep, she chowed down on that too. That’s my girl.
Homemade pudding pops…
The girl is so stinkin’ cute I just can’t take it.
However, she did get aggravated at the dogs when they wouldn’t just get their lazy asses out of their house.
She really tried to be patient…
But then she started to get kinda pissed.
Yep, no doubt seriously pissed.
Ok, now we’re at throwing the hat down pissed. Dogs, you lost your chance; me and my tiny aqua Vans are walking.
Yep – I slammed my hat down, WHAT??!!
Isn’t she the cutest thing EVER?
Ok, so now let’s get to the food. Grace and I made biscuits. She makes the best – and she uses a measuring method she calls “Dump and Pour”.
Love it.
We made two versions – her traditional buttermilk biscuits and, of course, jalapeno cheddar.
You could use an egg poacher to make the eggs, but I don’t have one – and I don’t see the need in wasting money on one.
I just spray glass prep bowls (like Pampered Chef) or ramekins with nonstick spray, crack in the egg and microwave for 30 seconds at a time, until poached.
It usually takes it about 1 – 1 1/2 minutes.
I like my yolk runny; and yes it’s messy as all hell but so worth it.
For the rest, I used Jimmy Dean Bacon Lover’s Breakfast Sausage and Cabot’s Farmhouse Reserve Extra Sharp White Cheddar (that cheese is off the charts awesome).
Here’s your printable-
- 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour, plus more for kneading
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 stick salted butter, cut into pieces
- 2 fresh jalapeno peppers, diced
- 1/2 cup Cabot Farmhouse Reserve Sharp White cheddar Cheese, shredded
- 3/4 cup buttermilk
- Breakfast sausage, poached eggs and shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl of a stand mixer.
- Add butter and mix on low until the dough is coarse; then add jalapenos, cheese and buttermilk and mix until thoroughly combined.
- Transfer to a work area, add a little flour and knead.
- Roll or press out with your hands; about 1/2 inch thick.
- Cut into rounds using a biscuit cutter, cup or glass and add to a cast iron skillet, making sure they touch.
- Bake for 17-20 minutes, until golden brown.
- Meanwhile, prepare sausage and poached eggs - I like mine with a runny yolk.
- Let cool and split in half and to each biscuit add sausage, egg and top with cheese.
- [xyz-ihs snippet="Swoop"]
Shea Goldstein is the voice behind Dixie Chik Cooks. She's a recipe developer, brand ambassador and food writer. She has been published in Redbook, Parade, Food Blogger Magazine and more. Shea is a Southern Belle Who's Thinking About What's For Dinner While Eating Lunch.
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This Post Has 4 Comments
She is so cute!!! And those biscuits look incredible.
Thanks Amanda!
Oh my goodness…what a way to start the day!
Thanks Candace – and also thanks to the incredible Cabot cheese!