Tuscan White Cheddar Pull Apart Bread

Tuscan White Cheddar Pull Apart Bread

I intentionally hid a key component in my recipe title.

Tuscan White Cheddar Pull Apart Bread
This is cheesy, indulgent, and you’ll love it.

But, if I told you what all is in this beautiful hunk of bread you might have clicked away.

Do I have trust issues?

Tuscan White Cheddar Pullapart BreadI can’t have you clicking away, dear friends.
IMGP5836See the green? Brussels sprouts. Yep.

If you’re not big on eating green, this will give you an easy way to get them in. Don’t cringe. They’re awesome. I sauteed them, and hit them with a splash of balsamic vinegar. The cheese, OMG. It’s Cabot’s Hand Rubbed Tuscan Cheddar. This cheese is like pizza without the crust, to quote Cabot.
500 8oz tuscan
Is there anything they do that isn’t amazing???

I swear I had a plan to put shredded chicken in this, but I didn’t have room. The bread was just way too stuffed. In the end, it didn’t need it. I was so happy with how this turned out, but I’m already planning out my next cheesy stuffed bread.


Even if you’re not a fan of brussels sprouts, give this a try and I promise you will be. Here’s your printable-

Tuscan White Cheddar Pull Apart Bread

Tuscan White Cheddar Pull Apart Bread


  • 1 French or Italian bread loaf
  • 1 tbsp.olive oil
  • 4 oz. brussels sprouts, halved
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp coarse pepper
  • 8 oz. Cabot Tuscan Cheddar, shredded
  • 2 tbsp. salted butter
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • 1 roma tomato, diced


  • Prheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Slice bread horizontally in slices almost to the bottom to make pockets.
  • Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a saute pan and add brussels sprouts; toss to coat.
  • Saute until golden on both sides and add vinegar, salt and pepper, toss and remove from heat.
  • Let cool a little and roughly chop; set aside.
  • Add butter to pan and when melted, add onions, garlic and salt; toss and saute until caramelized, about 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Stuff bread with onions first, then shredded cheese, and then brussels sprouts.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until cheese has fully melted and everything is slightly golden on top.
  • Top with diced tomatoes and serve.
  • [xyz-ihs snippet="Swoop"]


  • Shea Goldstein

    Shea Goldstein is the voice behind Dixie Chik Cooks. She's a recipe developer, brand ambassador and food writer. She has been published in Redbook, Parade, Food Blogger Magazine and more. Shea is a Southern Belle Who's Thinking About What's For Dinner While Eating Lunch.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

    1. Shea

      Thanks Candace!

    1. Shea

      Thank you Steve!

    1. Shea

      Thanks, Lisa! I LOVE it.

    1. Shea

      People that don’t embrace brussels sprouts have no idea what they’re missing!

  1. Lynn Elliott Vining

    Looks amazing Shea! I bet it smells wonderful! We need scratch-n-sniff screens! 😉

    1. Shea

      Wouldn’t that be awesome 🙂

  2. Adam J. Holland

    Looks wonderful, although you lied (by omission). Shame, shame. 😉

    1. Shea

      Thanks, Adam 🙂

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