Simple Strawberry Shortcake

Summertime reminds me of being a kid and my mom always making strawberries and cream – a simple combination of strawberries, milk and sugar.

Put that on top of pound cake, angel food cake, or whatever cake is your favorite and you have strawberry shortcake.

We make this all the time when strawberries are in season and use store bought shortcakes (which by the way aren’t high in calories), then top it off with whip cream.

That is, if my husband hasn’t eaten it all straight out of the can.

Simple Strawberry Shortcake

1 lb strawberries, rinsed and cut into chunks

1/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup half and half or cream

1 package store bought shortcakes (or any other cake)

Whip cream

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Combine the berries, sugar and cream. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight.

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Spoon berries over cake and top with whip cream.

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Have a fantastic weekend!

~Dixie Chik~


  • Shea Goldstein

    Shea Goldstein is the voice behind Dixie Chik Cooks. She's a recipe developer, brand ambassador and food writer. She has been published in Redbook, Parade, Food Blogger Magazine and more. Shea is a Southern Belle Who's Thinking About What's For Dinner While Eating Lunch.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jessica

    Looks so delicious. Strawberry shortcakes bring so many happy childhood memories back for me too!

  2. Marie

    We used to have this at my gramma’s all the time- but she always added banannas.. I picked them out.

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