Today, just for you, it’s chocolate instead of jalapenos.
Or cheese.
It’s cookies with chocolate.
There’s never a better time for baking cookies than Christmas, even for me, and we all know I’m not the most skilled baker.
I used a very simple icebox sugar cookie recipe from Cooking Light and added Holiday Mini M&M’s and topped them with Candy Cane Hershey Kisses.
I’m just curious; why do people even bother giving those store bought tin cans full of little weird cookies during the holidays? Don’t they know that nobody eats them?
Is it just me?
To me, a real gift is one that has effort and thought put into it. Bake some cookies and give them to your neighbors, coworkers, hell -whoever.
They’ll love you.
Here’s your printable-
- I used this cookie recipe from Cooking Light
- 1 cup Holiday Baking M&M's
- 18 Candy Cane Hershey Kisses
- Make cookie dough according to directions.
- Fold in the M&M's and bake.
- Transfer to a baking rack or on parchment paper.
- Top each cookie with a Hershey Kiss (pressing down a little) and let cool.
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Shea Goldstein is the voice behind Dixie Chik Cooks. She's a recipe developer, brand ambassador and food writer. She has been published in Redbook, Parade, Food Blogger Magazine and more. Shea is a Southern Belle Who's Thinking About What's For Dinner While Eating Lunch.
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